Virtual Tour - Cummings Chiropractic Center

Cummings Chiropractic Center
Cummings Chiropractic Center
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Welcome to the Cummings Chiropractic Center!
Front Desk
We’re glad you decided to visit us!
Waiting Area
Here’s our patient waiting area. You’ll notice there’s no one sitting down. We usually don’t keep our patients waiting long.
You will receive your Report of Findings in Dr. Cummings’ office.
Room 1
Room 1 has a drop table and roller (mechanical traction) table, as well as a lot of cheery sunshine, most days.
Room 2
Room 2 is for NAET treatments
Room 3
Room 3 is also equipped with a drop table and mechanical traction.
Room 4
Room 4 is quite large. We use this room when entire families come in together.
Room 5
Our massage therapists work in Room 5.
Room 6
Room 6 has the massage chair, a patient favorite.
Our bathrooms are clean and well kept.
We had to include a photo of our aquarium. It’s just so relaxing.
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